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The official languages of ICOS are French, German, and English.
Die offiziellen Sprachen des ICOS sind Englisch, Französisch und Deutsch.
Les langues officielles de l’ICOS sont l’allemand, l’anglais, et le français.

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ICOS in social media:
International Council of Onomastic Sciences
The International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS) is the international organisation for all scholars who have a special interest in the study of names (place-names, personal names, and proper names of all other kinds). The aim of the Council is the advancement, representation and co-ordination of name research on an international level and in an interdisciplinary context. This new organisation replaces the former International Committee of Onomastic Sciences which, as a closed society, exclusively co-opted representatives of countries and was therefore not open to individual scholars.
L'International Council of Onomastic Sciences
L'International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS) est l'organisation internationale de tous les chercheurs ayant les noms propres pour objet d'étude (noms de personne, noms de lieu et autres noms propres). L'organisation a pour but d'encourager, représenter et coordonner la recherche onomastique au niveau international et en contexte interdisciplinaire. Elle remplace l'ancien International Committee of Onomastic Sciences, ‘club fermé’ réservé aux représentants nationaux cooptés, à l'exclusion des chercheurs individuels.
Der International Council of Onomastic Sciences
Der International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS) ist die internationale Organisation aller Forscher, die sich mit Namen (Ortsnamen, Personennamen und sonstigen Eigennamen) beschäftigen. Ziel der Organisation ist die Förderung, die Vertretung und die Koordination der Namenforschung auf internationaler Ebene und im interdisziplinären Zusammenhang. Diese neue Vertretung löst das alte International Committee of Onomastic Sciences ab, das als ‘geschlossene Gesellschaft’ ausschliesslich Vertreter eines Landes kooptierte und Einzelforschern nicht offenstand.

Latest News

Names in the (re)construction of gender

Need some fruitful summer reading? The latest issue of NoSo: the Nordic Journal of Socio-Onomastics was just online, with a special issue on “Names in the (re)construction of gender” guest edited by sociologist Jane Pilcher. The issue includes five interesting contributions on topics such as: the use of humour in patrilinear surnaming practices in Finland, men’s...

Biblical Anthroponyms in Secular Contexts

The new issue of the Journal “Onomastica desde América Latina” has been published online. It was edited by Dr. Eugen Schochenmaier (ICOS, e-Onomastics). DOI: https://doi.org/10.48075/odal.v5i1.33666 Keywords: biblical anthroponymy, proper names, onomastics, religious text, secular context ABSTRACT The dossier on biblical anthroponyms in secular contexts offers an in-depth exploration of how biblical names transcend their religious origins...

CfP: American Name Society’s Session at the LSA annual meeting

Call for Papers Names and World-building in Fantasy & Science Fictional Universes an organized session at the 2025 annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 9-12 January 2025   The American Name Society is now inviting proposals for an organized session at the 2025 annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. The theme of...

5th Czech Onomastic Conference (COK 2025)

Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to the 5th Czech Onomastic Conference, which will be held in Prague from April 7 to 10, 2025. More detailed information can be found on the conference website available at https://cok2025.avcr.cz/en/. Conference Theme and Sections: Onomastics is usually considered a linguistic area overlapping markedly with other disciplines....

Call for papers: Onoma 60

Guest editors: Přemysl Mácha, Žaneta Dvořáková (Czechia) Dear colleagues, We are inviting you to contribute to the thematic issue of Onoma journal dedicated to the problems of naming and renaming in Central and Eastern Europe due to the political upheavals in 20th and 21st century. In the last century, the region of Central, South-Eastern, and...

Report of the latest ICOS Board Meeting

The ICOS Board convened today to discuss a series of critical issues affecting the organization’s future. Below is a summary of the meeting outcomes based on the agenda: This meeting was pivotal in setting the direction for ICOS in the coming years, ensuring that the organization remains dynamic, inclusive, and forward-looking.

Namenforschung an der Universität Leipzig 1954 – 2024

Wir sind schon im Feiermodus, denn in diesem Jahr begeht die Leipziger Namenforschung ein stolzes Jubiläum: Schon 70 Jahre wird an der Universität Leipzig zu Namen geforscht, gelehrt und beraten. Bereits seit der Berufung von Rudolf Fischer im Herbst 1953 gab es erste Seminare zur Einführung in die germano-slawistische Namenforschung. Aber im Jahr 1954...

Reminder: ICOS 2024 early bird registration closing on 18 May

Dear ICOS 2024 presenters and guests, We would like to remind you that the early bird registration for the ICOS 2024 congress ends on May 18th. The normal registration continues until 31 July, but as the early bird fees are considerably lower than normal fees, we recommend the early bird registration. Please note that sending an...