
Journal “Onomástica desde América Latina”

We are glad to announce that the Journal Onomástica desde América Latina has interface in English and is receiving articles  to compose its volume 2, numbers 3 and 4,  with publication scheduled, respectively, for the first and second semesters of 2021. Student´s papers are welcome, as there is a section called Works that receives articles from...

New Journal of Latin American Onomastics

“Onomástica desde América Latina” is an online-only, open-access, peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research in all aspects of onomastics from all over Latin America. The journal was launched in 2020 as a result of the scientific, academic and inter-institutional exchange promoted by the First Anthroponomastic Conference (organised by Yolanda Guillermina Lopez Franco from the National...

New scientific journal for socio-onomastic research

A new scientific journal has been founded by members of the research network New trends in Nordic Socio-onomastics: Nordisk tidskrift för socioonomastik / Nordic Journal of Socio-Onomastics! The first volume of the journal, which is published by The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy in Sweden, will be available in spring 2021 and possible to access online via the journal...

Call for papers: Onomastica 64 (2020)

We invite Authors to submit original articles (both theoretical and documentary research), as well as review articles, concerning proper names in all their aspects and varieties to publish in 64th issue of Onomastica (2020). We welcome proper-name-focused contributions from all linguistic disciplines as well as from other non-linguistic fields such as philosophy of language, history,...

Papers of the ICOS Congress 2017 in Debrecen have been published

Dear Colleagues, We are happy to inform you that the volumes from the papers presented at the XXVI International Congress of Onomastic Sciences in Debrecen in 2017 have been published (as issues no. 10 to 14 of Onomastica Uralica). The volumes are available online in Open Access format on the website of the journal:...

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