bulgarian onomastics

Proceedings of the International Onomastic Conference in Bulgaria

Dear colleagues, We are glad to inform you that the e-edition of the Proceedings of the International Onomastic Conference “Anthroponyms and Anthroponymic Researches in the Beginning of 21stCentury”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of prof. Yordan Zaimov, Dr. Sc. (1921-1987) 20-22 April 2021 has been published on the official web-site of Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: https://press.bas.bg/en/eBooks-105/show-106(29). Organizing committee

“Anthroponyms and Anthroponymic Researches in the Beginning of the 21st Century” Conference shifted online

Dear colleagues, The Organising Committee of the onomastic conference entitled “Anthroponyms and Anthroponymic Researches in the Beginning of the 21st Century”, 20-21 April 2021, took the hard decision the scientific event to be transformed into an online one due to Covid-19 pandemic. The conference will be held via ZOOM platform and will be streamed live online in the channel...

Congratulations on the 70th Anniversary of Professor Kiril Tsanсov

We are happy to congratulate our friend and colleague Kiril Tsanсov with his 70th birthday.  He is well-known Bulgarian onomatologist from Veliko Tarnovo University of Cyril and Methodius, former director of the Center for Bulgarian Onomastics and co-author of “Encyclopedia of Bulgarian Onomastics” (2016), which has been marked as a considerable scientific achievement (by Prof. Suprun, Russia). His research interests are onomastics, Bulgarian-Romanian linguistic parallels, sociolinguistics, speech etiquette and linguistic...

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