
Call for papers: il Nome nel testo, XXII (2021)

Dear Onomastica & Letteratura members, colleagues and students of Literary Onomastics, We would like to invite you to participate in the upcoming issue of our journal il Nome nel testo, XXII (2021). This issue has no specific theme, so we welcome articles presenting any topic that falls within Literary Onomastics. Considering that many library locations are...

Onomastica & Letteratura 2020 Conference postponed

Dear O&L members, colleagues and students of Literary Onomastics, because of the current global COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to postpone our O&L Conference to October 2021. The conference will be held in Cagliari as planned this year and the topics tackled will be the same. In any event, we will inform you about further updates. O&L,...

XXIII Convegno Onomastica&Letteratura

Dear Members of Onomastica&Letteratura and dear colleagues, please, find in attachment the Program of the 23rd International Conference Onomastics & Literature, which will take place this year at the University of Turin in September, 20-22. We take this opportunity to thank our Colleagues from Turin, who have already welcomed the 11th Conference in November...

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