
Programme of the Conference “NAMING, IDENTITY and TOURISM”

UNIVERSITY OF BASILICATA DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES May 3–5, 2018 Confirmed Keynote Speakers Maoz Azaryahu, University of Haifa, Israel Richard Coates, University of the West of England, UK Peter Jordan, University of Vienna, Austria As a multifaceted negotiation process, naming plays a crucial role in the social construction of space and time, in that it...

Programme of the 2nd Ostrava Onomastic Meeting EVENT 2018

The Department of Czech Language at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, the Historical Geography Research Centre, Prague, the Institute of the Czech Language at the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, the conference committee, and the local organizing committee have the honor of inviting you to take part in the 2nd Ostrava Onomastic...

Programme du colloque lillois « Le nom propre en poésie »

Symposium « Le nom propre en poésie » Maison de la Recherche Laboratoire(s) organisateur(s) : ALITHILA, EA 1061 Autre(s) organisateur(s) : Yves Baudelle et Jérôme Hennebert Lieu : Maison de la recherche, bâtiment F, salle F0.13 Contact : Laëtitia Ceugnart Cette journée d’étude a pour objectif de faire le point sur l’analyse des noms...

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