Congress proceedings

This list comprises proceedings of the International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (1938–present).

  1. Premier Congrès International de Toponymie et d’Anthroponymie. Actes et mémoires. Paris, 25–29 Juillet 1938. Paris: Institut de Phonétique de l’Université de Paris 1938. 285 pp. (Compte-rendu)
  2. Onomastica. Revue Internationale De Toponymie Et D’Anthroponymie. Numéro Spécial consacré au Deuxième Congrès International de Toponymie et d’Anthroponymie. Paris, 15–18 Juillet 1947. Ed. A. Dauzat, J. Descroix, J. Engels, G. Serra. Paris 1947. (Compte-rendu)
  3. Actes et mémoires du troisième Congrès International de Toponymie et d’Anthroponymie. Bruxelles, 15–19 Juillet 1949. 3 vols. Louvain 1951. 100 pp. + 856 pp. (Compte-rendu)
  4. Quatrième Congrès International de Sciences Onomastiques. Uppsala, 1952. Ed. J. Sahlgren, B. Hasselrot, L. Hellberg. Uppsala 1954. 544 pp. PDF
  5. Fifth International Congress of Toponymy and Anthroponymy. Salamanca, 12–15 April 1955. Proceedings and Transactions. Ed. L. Cortés, M. García Blanco, A. Tovar. 2 vols. Salamanca 1958. 478 pp. + 426 pp.
  6. Kongreßberichte. VI. Internationaler Kongreß für Namenforschung. München, 24–28 August 1958. München. Vol. 1: ed. G. Rohlfs. 1960. Vol. 2: ed. K. Puchner. 1961. Vol. 3: ed. K. Puchner. 1961. 843 pp.
  7. Atti e Memorie del VII Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Onomastiche. Firenze 4–8 Aprile 1961. Ed. C. Battisti, C. A. Mastrelli, B. Migliorini. Firenze. Vol. 1-2: Toponomastica. 1962–1963. 548 pp. + 471 pp. Vol. 3: Antroponimia. 1963. 550 pp. Vol. 4: Toponomastica e Cartografia. 1963. 199 pp.
  8. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Amsterdam 1963. Ed. D. P. Blok. The Hague/Paris 1966. 611 pp. Google Books
  9. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. London, 3–8 July 1966. Ed. B. Ejder, H. Draye. Louvain 1969. 502 pp.
  10. Disputationes ad montium vocabula aliorumque nominum significationes pertinentes. Tenth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Vienna, 8–13 September 1969. Abhandlungen – Proceedings – Actes. Ed. H. H. Hornung. Vienna. Vols. 1–2: 1969. 523 pp. + 538 pp. Vol. 3: Supplement. 1971. 432 pp.
  11. Actes du XIe Congrès International des Sciences Onomastiques. Sofia, 28 June–4 July, 1972. Sofia: Éditions de l’Académie bulgare des sciences. Vol. 1: ed. V. I. Georgiev, I. V. Duridanov, J. D. Zaimov. 1974. 498 pp. Vol. 2: ed. V. I. Georgiev, J. D. Zaimov. 1975. 499 pp.
  12. Berichte des XII. Internationalen Kongresses für Namenforschung. Bern, 25–29 August 1975. Ed. H. Draye. Leuven. Vol. 1: 1976. 312 pp. Vol. 2.: 1977. 540 pp. Vol. 3: 1978. 533 pp.
  13. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Cracow, 21-25 August, 1978. Ed. K. Rymut. Warszawa–Kraków. Vol. 1: 1981. 706 pp. Vol. 2: 1982. 652 pp.
  14. Ausgewählte Beiträge des XIVth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Ann Arbor 1981. Tübingen: Niemeyer 2002. Link
  15. Der Eigename in Sprache und Gesellschaft. XV. Internationaler Kongress für Namensforschung. Leipzig, 13–17 August 1984. Ed. E. Eichler, E. Sass, H. Walther. Leipzig 1985. PDF
  16. Le nom propre au carrefour des études humaines et des sciences sociales. Actes du XVIe Congrès International des Sciences Onomastiques. Québec, 16–22 août 1987. Ed. J.-C. Boulanger. Québec 1990. Google Books
  17. Proceedings of the XVIIth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Helsinki 13–18 August 1990. Ed. E. M. Närhi. 2 vols. Helsinki: The University of Helsinki and the Finnish Research Centre for Domestic Languages 1990, 501 pp. + 494 pp. Link
  18. Akten des 18. Internationalen Kongresses für Namenforschung, Trier, 12.–17. April 1993. Tübingen: Niemeyer. Vol. 1: Chronik, Namenetymologie und Namengeschichte, Forschungs­projekte. Ed. D. Kremer, in collaboration with M. G. Arcamone. 1999. 410 pp. Vol. 3: Namensoziologie. Ed. D. Kremer, in collaboration with F. Debus. 1999. 299 pp. Vol. 2:Namensysteme im interkulturellen Vergleich. Ed. D. Kremer, in collaboration with R. Šrámek. 2000. 310 pp. Vol. 4:Personennamen und Ortsnamen. Ed. D. Kremer, in collaboration with T. Andersson. 1999. 330 pp. Vol. 5: Onomastik und Lexikographie, Deonomastik. Ed. D. Kremer, in collaboration with J.–P. Chambon, W. Schweickard. 2002. 350 pp.
  19. Scope, Perspectives and Methods of Onomastics. Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Aberdeen, August 4-11, 1996. Ed. W. F. H. Nicolaisen. 3 vols. Aberdeen 1998, 356 pp. + 402 pp. + 405 pp.
  20. Actas do XX Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Onomásticas. Santiago de Compostela, 20-25 setembro 1999. Ed. A. I. Boullón Agrelo. A Coruña 2002. CD-ROM. viii + 1974 pp. .
  21. Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Uppsala, 19–24 August 2002. Uppsala. Vol. 1: ed. E. Brylla, M. Wahlberg, in collaboration with V. Dalberg, W. F. H. Nicolaisen. 2005. 570 pp. Vol. 2: ed. E. Brylla, M. Wahlberg, in collaboration with L. E. Edlund. 2006. vi + 332 pp. Vol. 3: ed. E. Brylla, M. Wahlberg, in collaboration with R. Rentenaar. 2007. 446 pp. Vol. 4: ed. E. Brylla, M. Wahlberg, in collaboration with D. Kremer, B. Helleland. 2008. 420 pp. Vol. 5: ed. E. Brylla, M. Ohlsson, M. Wahlberg, in collaboration with W. Haubrichs, T. Schmidt. 2010. 427 pp.
  22. I nomi nel tempo e nello spazio. Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Onomastiche. Pisa, 28 agosto – 4 settembre 2005. Ed. M. G. Arcamone, D. Bremer, D. De Camilli, B. Porcelli, A. Rossebastiano. 5 vols. Pisa: Edizioni ETS 2006–2012.
  23. Names in Multi-Lingual, Multi-Cultural and Multi-Ethnic Contact. Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Toronto, 17–22 August 2008. Ed. W. Ahrens, S. Embleton, A. Lapierre. Toronto: York University 2009. CD-ROM. 1119 pp. (05.03.2015).
  24. Els noms en la vida quotidiana. Actes del XXIV Congrés Internacional d’ICOS sobre Ciències Onomàstiques. Ed. J. Tort i Donada, M. Montagut i Montagut. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya 2014. (05.03.2015).
  25. Names and Their Environment. Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, Glasgow, 15–19 August 2014. Ed. C. Hough, D. Izdebska. 5 vols. Glasgow: University of Glasgow 2016. (08.08.2016).
  26. Locality and globality in the world of names. Proceedings of the 26th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, Debrecen, 27 August – 1 September 2017 in Onomastica Uralica Nr. 10-14. (25.01.2019).