For potential organisers

Guidelines for ICOS Congress bidders

The ICOS Board of Directors considers only bids that the secretary and/or president of ICOS receive before the 31st March of the year in which a General Assembly takes place.

If your organisation is interested in arranging the next conference, we urge you to inform the president or the secretary of ICOS by e-mail about your intentions before 1st October 2023. Official bids for the 29th ICOS Congress in 2027 have to be submitted on 31 March 2024 at the latest.

Please make sure that your bid contains the following information:

    1. Name, address and institutional affiliation of the person responsible for the bid
      • If there is more than one individual or institution involved, it still needs to be clear which single individual and institution is responsible, and to which subsequent correspondence will be addressed.
    2. Place in which the Congress is to be held
    3. Period in which the Congress could be held
      • Preferentially, ICOS Congresses should be held at the end of August, but other periods of the year can also be considered.
    4. Thematic orientation of the Congress and additional Congress languages (i.e. additional to the official ICOS languages English, French, and German, which are all required)
      • If additional Congress languages are suggested, the need for them should be well argued.
    5. Background, motivation and relevance of the bid
    6. Names of the organization committee members and institutes, associations engaged in the organization of the Congress
    7. Availabilty of lecture halls, classrooms, residence rooms etc.
    8. Approximate costs for participants (estimated conference fee, travel, food and accommodation costs, etc.)
    9. Draft budget for the Congress
    10. Possible financial contributions for the organizers (Universities, foundations, national agencies etc.)
      • Please note that ICOS does not make a financial contribution to the organization of the Congress itself. It is up to the local organizers to guarantee sufficient financial resources.
      • Please also note that ICOS does not cover the costs for the publication of the Congress Proceedings. It is up to the local organizers to guarantee sufficient financial resources
    11. Conference planning timeline
    12. Timeline for the publication of the Congress Proceedings

In order to keep a close working relationship between the Congress organisers and the ICOS board, it is recommended that a senior member of the organising team will stand for election to the Board. Whether this happens or not, the Congress organisers are required to produce reports to the Board on the progress of the Congress planning, and to be available to respond to any comments arising from the reports.

Published on 3 May 2011
Last revision on 2 September 2021