Conference “Anthroponyms and anthroponymic researches in the Beginning of 21th Century”

Dear Colleagues,

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the prominent Bulgarian onomastician prof. Yordan Zaimov (1921 – 1987) the Onomastics Department of the Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has the honour to organise a conference entitled “Anthroponyms and anthroponymic researches in the Beginning of 21th Century”. It is organised under the Project “Personal Names in Bulgaria in the Beginning of 21th Century” funded by the Bulgarian Science Fund, Grant № КП-06-Н-40/10, 10. 12. 2019.


During the conference, a broad range of problems concerning anthroponymy will be presented. We welcome paper proposals corresponding with the topic of the Conference and fitting one of the proposed paper sessions. Topics like present state of anthroponymic systems, name pragmatics, grammar of names, diachronic anthroponymy, anthroponymy in toponymy are part of the problems which the anniversary of one of the central persons of the Bulgarian onomastic science – prof. Yordan Zaimov, the author of “Bulgarian Anthroponomasticon” (1988).

Date and location: 20-21 April 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria

Conference venue: Institute for Bulgarian Language, BAS (

Invited speakers:

Prof. Urszula Bijak, Dr. Sc. – Institute of Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland, Vice-President of ICOS

Prof. Oliviu Felecan, PhD – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Centre of Baia Mare, Romania, Editor-in-Chief of Onoma (Journal of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences)

Proposed paper sessions:

І. Contemporary Anthroponymy

  • Forenames, patronyms, family names; bynames in the beginning of 21th century
  • Name fashion in the global world

ІІ. Historical Anthroponymy

  • Language and Dialect History and Name Traditions
  • Historical Monuments, Researches in the Field of Dialectology

ІІІ. Anthroponymy in Toponymy (Oikonymy, Hydronymy, Chrematonymy)

IV. Literary Onomastics

Information for authors:

Papers should be submitted anonymously in Bulgarian, English or Russian. The maximum length is 12 standard pages (including references). Papers will be accepted on the basis of a positive evaluation made by anonymous reviewers. The final versions of the accepted papers should be submitted for publication before the Conference (see Important Dates).

Papers should comply with the instructions published on the Conference web page.

The deadline for submission of the full texts of the papers is 1 Feb. 2021. It will not be possible to submit a paper after this date. 

Important dates:

1 Feb. 2021: Paper submission deadline

1 March 2021: Author notification deadline

20 March 2021: Deadline for submission of accepted papers

20 April 2021: Conference

31 May 2021: Release of the official electronic version of the Proceedings



Web site:

Looking forward to your contributions!

ConfZaimov2021 Organizing Committee