24th International Conference “Onomastics & Literature”

The 24th Onomastica & Letteratura (Onomastics & Literature) Conference will take place in Pisa, Italy, from October 3rd to 5th 2019. The event will be hosted by the University of Pisa’s Department of Philology, Linguistics, and Literature .
Scholars from all discplinees whose work explores the intersection between onomastics and literature are invited to submit abstracts for papers. Submissions should be no longer than 450 words (without references). Please email your proposals to Donatella Bremer using the following address donatella.bremer@unipi.it

Inter alia, the following topics will be addressed during the Conference:
• Names in letters, diaries, and notebooks
• Naming characters (nicknames, titles, patronyms)
• Literary deonomastics
• Onomastic methodology and literature
For further information on the Call for Papers, please see the official website.
The submission deadline is July 30, 2019. Questions about the conference should be directed to either Maria Giovanna Arcamone magiarc@gmail.com or Giorgio Sale at giosale@uniss.it.