In memoriam Nicolae Felecan (1941–2020)

Dear Colleagues, in the name of ICOS, Onoma and all staff members, we like to express our deep sadness about Prof. Nicolae Felecan’s death. He was a distinguished linguist, onomastician and long-time member of ICOS. Our deepest sympathy goes to his son Oliviu Felecan and other relatives in this time of grief.

Born in northern Transylvania, Nicolae Felecan graduated Classical Languages at the University of Bucharest (1964). His professional activity is synonymous with the existence of the University of Baia Mare, where he educated the young and mentored proficient teachers and researchers. He was always appreciated as a role model of competence, rigour, and professional probity.

Nicolae Felecan’s didactic, academic occupation was interwoven with his scientific pursuits. Thus, he is well-known nationally and internationally for his work in the fields of the Romanian language (lexicology, syntax), Latin language, onomastics, dialectology, and Romance philology. Professor Nicolae Felecan published six academic courses, eighteen books (as author and co-author), a translation from Latin into Romanian, hundreds of studies in specialised journals, collective volumes, festschrifts, and proceedings in various countries throughout the world. His academic recognition is quantified not only by the hundreds of citations of his works, but also by two festschrifts edited on the occasion of his 70th and 75th birthdays, respectively.

Non omnis moriar multaque pars mei / Vitabit Libitinam (Horace).