Programme of the 27th ICOS Congress

Dear Participants of the 27th ICOS Congress,

We would like to inform you that the detailed programme of online Congress has been published on our website ( In paper sessions, each presentation will last 30 minutes (20 minutes for paper presentation + 10 minutes for discussion).

As in previous years, we would like to prepare also a book exhibition, virtual of course. The onomastic books (published in 2018-2021) will be presented on the Congress website by individual countries. Please fill the form attached and send it (with cover image attached as seperate .png/.jpg/.bmp file) to us by the end of July.
We will create a digital space for other presentations. Therefore, if you have a digital project/database/dictionary that you would like exhibited and introduced there, please send us a video/power point/pdf presentation, a link to the resource and a short description by the end of July so that we can display it at the exhibition.

The test connection at ZOOM will take place one week before the Congress on the 16th of August (4-6 PM CEST). Before the test, we will send out to all participants the links to meetings and instructions on how to use ZOOM.

The congress papers will be published in Proceedings by the Institute of Polish Language, PAS in 2022 (peer reviewed publication, Open Access, ISBN, DOI, paper version on request).

The deadline for submission of texts will be the 2nd of November 2021. Detailed technical information will be provided later, but the text should be in .docx/.odt/.rtf document format (the text 1.5-spaced, 12-point font), citations and bibliographical references in accordance with the APA standard. The length of the articles: 5000-6000 words (incluing abstracts and keywords) ~40 000 characters including whitespaces.

The final registration deadline is the 26th of July.

We are looking forward to meeting you all in Kraków virtually and now have a great summer holidays.

Best regards,

Urszula Bijak
Coordinator of the ICOS 2021 Kraków

Paweł Swoboda
Secretary of the ICOS 2021 Kraków