Call for ICOS 2024 workshop proposals

The call for workshop proposals for the ICOS 2024 congress in Helsinki is closing on 31 May.

Thematic workshops, either 90 or 180 min long, include several thematically connected presentations. A workshop can also have an introduction and/or a final discussion. The workshop convenors decide on the length of presentations in the workshop.
The convenors are asked to submit a description (max 500 words) of the workshop theme. The convenors should also decide whether they want to invite the workshop presenters themselves, or whether any congress participant can offer their paper to the workshop during the call for individual abstracts. If the presenters are invited, the description should include a list of the invited contributors and the titles of their presentations in the order in which the presentations will be given. All workshop contributors are required to submit individual abstracts, following the timetable and guidelines for individual presentations.
Workshop proposals should be submitted using an online form at the following link.

Proposal submission deadline: 31 May 2023

Notification of acceptance: by 30 June 2023.

The workshop proposals will be evaluated according to their quality, originality and impact.

The 28th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS) will be organized in Helsinki, Finland, on 19–23 August 2024. The theme of the congress is Sustainability of names, naming and onomastics. You can find information about the congress, including theme description, keynote speakers, important dates, congress fees, and call for workshop proposals, in the first circular letter:

*Link to the Circular Letter*

Also check out the congress website and the promotion video!