Second circular letter of the ICOS Congress 2024

Welcome to Helsinki!

Organizing committee: Terhi Ainiala (chair), Lasse Hämäläinen, Milla Juhonen, Johanna Lehtonen, Minna Nevala, Minna Saarelma-Paukkala, Paula Sjöblom

Abstract evaluations
The scientific committee has completed evaluating the paper abstracts, and the letters of acceptance or rejection have been sent to the submitters. If you have not received the letter, please check your email spam folder, and contact the congress office Confedent ( if needed.

Preliminary programme
The congress programme has been updated, now including the dates and times for meetings of ICOS Board of Directors, Onoma Editorial Board, and the ICOS working groups. The updated programme can be found on the congress website.
The more precise programme, including preliminary dates and times of presentations, will be published in March 2024.


Registration for the congress starts on 18 March 2024. The online registration form will be available on the congress website. In order to get the reduced early bird fee, you should register by 18 May 2024. The final date of registration is 31 July 2024.

During the registration, it is also possible to reserve a hotel or hostel room from three options. More information about the accommodation options will be given in the Third Circular Letter in March 2024.

Book exhibition

During the congress, there will be a book exhibition for onomastic books. Please bring your own books that have been published after the latest face-to-face ICOS congress (Debrecen 2017).

Congress fees

The congress fees have been slightly raised since sending out the First Circular Letter (January 2023) due to the exceptionally high inflation in Finland.

The congress fees include for example five lunches, eight coffees, and the afternoon excursion. The banquet is not included in the fee.

Congress proceedings

After the congress, the presenters can offer their papers to be published in the congress proceedings publication. The proceedings will be published in Onomastica Uralica, which also served as the host for the ICOS 2017 proceedings (see volumes 10–14 here). The publication will be peer-reviewed.

Deadline for the article manuscripts will be in November 2024, and the planned publishing date of the proceedings is in late 2025. Instructions for the articles will be announced in the Call for Papers after the congress.

Third Circular Letter

The Third Circular Letter, including the link to the registration form, will be sent out in March 2024.

More information

Congress website:
Promotion video:
Contact email:

Second circular letter