Introduction of an international online onomastic dictionary

Dear all,

On next Friday (22nd March 2024) there will be an online onomastic event, concerning an online dictionary and the study of family names of the so-called Visegrad countries (CZ, HU, PL, SK).

The Dictionary of Family Names in the Visegrad Countries

Introduction of an international online onomastic dictionary

22 March 2024, 2:00 p.m.

Online: MS Teams
Meeting identifier: 386 770 577 80
Access code: 55GcrZ

14:00–14:10 Opening words (JUDIT BÓNA vice-dean, ELTE, Hungary)

14:10–15:30 Section 1
MARIANN SLÍZ (ELTE, Hungary): The Dictionary of Family Names in the Visegrad Countries: an introduction
JÁNOS N. FODOR – KITTI HAUBER (ELTE, Hungary): Typological comparison of the V4 countries’ surname stocks
PAVEL ŠTĚPÁN (ÚJČ, Czechia): Delimitation of motivation categories of Czech surnames
surnames in the 200 most popular group in formal, structural and semantic terms

15:30–15:50 Break

15:50–17:00 Section 2
JÁN BAUKO – ORSOLYA HEGEDŰS (UKF, Slovakia): Meaning and linguistic origin of the most common
surnames in Slovakia

TAMÁS FARKAS (ELTE, Hungary): Surnames from ethnonyms: some lessons from the surname stocks 
VERONIKA ŠTĚPÁNOVÁ (ÚJČ, Czechia): Language consulting in the area of surnames: usability of the
Dictionary in comparison with printed dictionaries

ANNAMÁRIA SZABÓ T. (ELTE, Hungary): How to use the Dictionary in education?