Report of the latest ICOS Board Meeting

The ICOS Board convened today to discuss a series of critical issues affecting the organization’s future. Below is a summary of the meeting outcomes based on the agenda:

  1. ICOS Board Election 2024
    The election process for the ICOS Board 2024 was discussed. New board members nominees, who are eager to bring fresh perspectives and a commitment to advancing ICOS’s mission, have been successfully registered.
  2. Membership Fees
    The ICOS Board introduced the topic of changing the membership fee after thorough discussion. This adjustment will help sustain and expand ICOS activities, ensuring continued support for our members.
  3. ICOS Congress 2024
    Preparations for the ICOS Congress 2024 are well underway. Keynote speakers and the event schedule were finalized, promising a dynamic and enriching experience for all participants.
  4. ICOS Congress 2027
    Early planning for the ICOS Congress 2027 has commenced. Initial steps include securing a venue and identifying potential speakers, setting the stage for another successful congress.
  5. Change of Statutes
    Proposed changes to the ICOS statutes were reviewed and examined. These amendments will enhance governance and streamline operational processes within the organization.
  6. Working Group on Toponymy
    A new Working Group on Toponymy was established. This group will focus on the study and standardization of place names, a key area of interest for ICOS members.
  7. Reports of Organizations and Institutions Affiliated to ICOS in 2023
    Annual reports from affiliated organizations and institutions were presented, highlighting their achievements and contributions over the past year. These reports underscored the vibrant and diverse activities within the ICOS community.
  8. Final steps for cooperation agreement with Infoterm
    The final steps in formalizing the cooperation agreement with Infoterm were completed. This partnership will enhance our data management and dissemination capabilities, benefiting all members.
  9. Membership of the Institute of Language and Literature, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
    The membership application from the Institute of Language and Literature, Mongolian Academy of Sciences was approved. Their inclusion strengthens ICOS’s global network and fosters further collaboration.
  10. The Language Issue
    Various language policy issues were discussed, with a focus on improving communication and inclusivity within ICOS and its activities.

This meeting was pivotal in setting the direction for ICOS in the coming years, ensuring that the organization remains dynamic, inclusive, and forward-looking.