
Abstracts are now available online

The book of abstracts containing all accepted submissions has been published on the ICOS 2020 website Tips: Use bookmarks for easy navigation in the pdf file.

Over 300 applications for ICOS 2020 from almost 60 countries

We are happy to inform you that we have received well over 300 applications for ICOS 2020 from almost 60 countries. Thank you for so much interest! Now the abstracts are being evaluated by the members of our scientific committee. It’s a lot of work, but we hope that soon we will be able...

54th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Names

Call for Papers: Canadian Society for the Study of Names (CSSN) 54th Annual Meeting, held in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Canada Western University, London, ON, Canada May 30th and 31st , 2020 The theme of the 2020 Congress is: “Bridging Divides” but papers on any...

Workshop on ‘Place-names as Open Data’ at ICOS 2020

The 2020 Congress will include a workshop on ‘Place-Names as Open Data’, organized and chaired by Peder Gammeltoft (University of Bergen, Norway). The aim of the workshop is to explore the way in which open data (and linked open data implicitly) are already used and can be employed further in place-name research. Please follow...

Paper submission deadline extended for ICOS 2020

We would like to inform you that the deadline for submitting papers has been extended to December 15, 2019. The other dates have not changed (see Important dates). Submit your paper proposal Please fill in the application form and send it back to: icos2020@ijp.pan.plThe deadline for submitting paper proposals is 15 December 2019. The final programme will be prepared in...

27ème Congrès International des Sciences Onomastiques

Nous vous invitons à participer au 27e Congrès international des sciences onomastiques 23–28 août 2020, Cracovie, Pologne L’ONOMASTIQUE EN INTERACTION AVEC D’AUTRES DISCIPLINES Axes thématiques Thématique générale Noms géographiques (Approches théoriques et typologiques de description des noms géographiques; Noms géographiques dans d’autres disciplines) Noms de personnes (Approches théoriques et typologiques de description des noms...

Internationaler Kongress für Namenforschung 2020

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, am XXVII. Internationalen Onomastischen Kongress 23.–28. August 2020, Krakau, Polen teilzunehmen NAMENFORSCHUNG IN DER INTERAKTION MIT ANDEREN WISSENSCHAFTEN Vorgeschlagene reguläre Sessionen Allgemeine Onomastik Toponyme (Theoretische, typologische und etymologische Fragen der Beschreibung von Toponymen; Toponyme im Lichte anderer Wissenschaften) Personennamen (Theoretische, typologische und etymologische Fragen der Beschreibung von Personennamen; Personennamen...

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