Call for Themes and Guest Editors: ONOMA 50 & 51

As the journal of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences, Onoma aims at publishing high-quality papers on all aspects of onomastics. Each yearly volume has a section whose goal is to focus on a particular theme and a non-themed section whose focus is on onomastics in general.

The themed section of an issue is edited by one or several guest editors, whose duties include collecting the submitted articles, proposing a pool of qualified peer reviewers to assist the Editorial Board, and writing an introduction to the section. The Editor in Chief, in turn, will take care of the actual distribution of the submissions to the reviewers and collecting the final articles, as well as editorial duties for the non-themed section.

Onoma is currently looking for proposals for the themed sections of issues 50 (2015) and 51 (2016). In addition to the theme itself, the proposal should include the names and contact information of the section’s guest editor(s).

Proposals should be sent by April 30, 2014 to the Editor in Chief:
Professor Antti Leino
School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies
FI-33014 University of Tampere
+358 50 318 1234

Any queries should be directed at the same address.

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